

 Difference Between The "public_html" and "www" In Linux

There really is no difference; your web root (where you upload your web site files to) is the...

 Domain Physical Path in Windows 2003 Server

In Windows 2003 server , all the domains and subdomains will have the following format of...

 Get A List of Server Variables Using ASP

<%    For Each Item In...

 How to Move Blogger to Self-hosted WordPress

How to Move Blogger to Self-hosted WordPress In this example, say that you have a Blogger blog...

 IP Banning Through .htaccess

Setting up your error documents through the .htaccess file is easier than one might think. Here...

 Knowing Your Web Server IP

IP address for the server where your domain name is hosted on has been send to you in the Welcome...

 SSL Certificate Transfer

Transfer SSL certificate: Windows Platform: For windows platform, kindly provide us...

 Setting Up A Web Page Redirect in Linux

Setting up a web page redirect is really easy. The simplest way would be to just to do it through...